If you’re in the market for a complete conveyorized car wash system, Hydro-Spray can help. Our tunnel wash systems are designed to control and manage your solutions so you always provide a shiny, clean finish at the best price point per car. Let us help you decide which wash system is best for your car wash site. Contact us today!
Operators want to offer something “different” to their customers—something their competitors can’t match. SpinLite offers you the best chance to transform first-time customers into long-term customers with an entirely new approach to tunnel car washing. In terms of both performance and perception, this is a destination experience like no other. Pair that with SpinLite’s proven wash results, and you’ll have customers looking forward to each return trip to your wash.
Building Loyalty With a Better Wash
The SpinLite® system is unlike any other in terms of cleaning power and customer experience—it’s truly different and truly effective. You’ll know this when your customers rave about their clean, dry, and shiny cars, as well as their fun and relaxing trips through the tunnel.
SpinLite® alleviates the anxieties caused by the speed and noises. Pleasant sounds and slower-spinning wheels put drivers at ease, which helps bring them back as loyal customers.
Every time a shiny vehicle exits, it marks the finale for that trip to the wash, but it also shows that you’ve earned another happy customer. Happy customers become loyal customers—which means higher revenues and better returns. That’s what makes SpinLite® a different, better way to wash.
Consult Belanger Factory
Equipment Shown Bay Length: 130'
Equipment Shown Bay Height: 14'
Equipment Shown Bay Width: 18'
Physical Building Requirements:
Minimum Bay Length: Consult Belanger
Minimum Bay Height: 14'
Minimum Bay Width: 16'
Operators want to offer something “different” to their customers—something their competitors can’t match. SpinRite offers you the best chance to transform first-time customers into long-term customers with an entirely new approach to tunnel car washing. In terms of both performance and perception, this is a destination experience like no other. Pair that with SpinRite’s proven wash results, and you’ll have customers looking forward to each return trip to your wash.
Building Loyalty With a Better Wash
The SpinRite system is unlike any other in terms of cleaning power and customer experience—it’s truly different and truly effective. You’ll know this when your customers rave about their clean, dry, and shiny cars, as well as their fun and relaxing trips through the tunnel.
SpinRite alleviates the anxieties caused by the speed and noises. Pleasant sounds and slower-spinning wheels put drivers at ease, which helps bring them back as loyal customers.
Every time a shiny vehicle exits, it marks the finale for that trip to the wash, but it also shows that you’ve earned another happy customer. Happy customers become loyal customers—which means higher revenues and better returns. That’s what makes SpinRite a different, better way to wash.
Equipment Shown:
Bay Length: 80'
Bay Height: 30'
Bay Width: 23'
Physical Building Requirements:
Minimum Bay Length: Consult Belanger
Minimum Bay Height: 17'10"
Minimum Bay Width: 17'6"
Belanger’s Classic Tunnel Line draws on decades of engineering know-how, while delivering continued innovations nobody can match. Built on the strength of our aircraft-grade aluminum framework, Classic Equipment features minimum moving parts. Where motion is required, each component relies on automotive-grade bearings or lube free pivot points for minimal maintenance and easy servicing. Classic tunnel components have earned more than 150+ combined patents for innovation and design excellence. So when you choose Belanger as your car wash equipment manufacturer, rest assured that you are investing in the industry’s most advanced, leading-edge equipment available anywhere in the world!
Your Vision, Your Style, Your Tunnel Car Wash Experience
Belanger’s Classic tunnel has always given you choices, to ‘make your wash your own.’ Now you can also choose the drive technology – electric or hydraulic – that suits your business needs and operating style. With Belanger’s Classic tunnel equipment you can customize your equipment’s appearance, in multiple ways, to make it everything you have always envisioned.
Customizations such as:
Framework Extrusion Choices — (Oval or Traditional 4x6)
Extrusion Finish and Color Choices — (Bare Aluminum or Colored Powder Coated)
Wash Media and Color Choices — (Soft Cloth or Neo-TexTM)
Electric or Hydraulic Drive Choices — (Hydraulic or Electric Drive)
Consult with Belanger Factory:
Equipment Shown Bay Length: 110'
Equipment Shown Bay Height: 14'
Equipment Show Vay Width: 18'
Physical Building Requirments:
Minimum Bay Length: 45'
Minimum Bay Height: 12'
Minimum Bay Width: 16'
Make your conveyorized car wash more impressive and more powerful by pairing it with the right accessories. New doors, LED Lighting, an impressive paystation and new car wash signage can help draw in more customers. Effective water treatment, new car wash dryers, matt cleaners, air compressors, and tire shine will keep them coming back! Click through our Tunnel Car Wash Accessories pages to learn more about the awesome car wash products and services we offer at Hydro-Spray.
We can help you repair an existing car wash, purchase and install a new car wash or get parts and components for your machines. Below is a list of just some of the tunnel car washes we have parts on hand for. Don't see yours listed below? Give us a call! We have great connections in the industry and we will help you find the equipment and wash support services you need.